Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's practically Orgasmic!

Imagine that...feeling this way alongside 16 thousand other people!  Incredible.

I don't mean to brag, well atually I do mean to brag... but you would too! I went to Metallica.  I can't even say that without smiling hysterically and getting all giddy.  I WENT TO METALLICA!  Floor tickets. 

I didn't think it was possible because back when they started selling tickets, it was sold out in seven minutes.

And here I am today...  =)  Wow.  Yeah, I'm still high from the experience.

...best show I've ever seen.

Plus Kirk totally had eye sex with me and I got a wink  (Kim even saw from a few rows of peeps back, "it must be the stripes" she says to me as she grabbed my shirt *teehee*) ...I guess it helped being the only girl pushing around a bunch of guys just to stay up close for my favorite song.

I'm not even hardcore...but last night was definitely hardcore =)








Sunday, October 11, 2009

Being Thankful ♥ ♥ ♥

"Get up let's go get a turkey," isn't exactly a nice wake up call.   But that's the way I got up this morning.

I admit I was a little pissed off, but after laughing it off it wasn't so bad.

You see, today was thanksgiving day, and at this point in my life, thanksgiving isn't really a holiday I or my family celebrates anymore.  It's kinda impossible seeing as how most of us live in different parts of the country.  And, since my Kookum passed away, slowly but surely family gatherings have become more sparse.

It was my roomates Bridget and Kim that woke me.  And like I normally do everyday, I sat up in bed and prayed. I'm not a religious person but as soon as I wake, when I eat, and before bed, I say a quick prayer. 

Just a small gesture, I believe has carried me through thick and thin.   I give thanks for my life and everyone in it.  For the accomplishments, the love, and the everyday struggles.

Upon finishing I went into the livingroom to see if the girls were serious.   Because, let's be real here, none of us have ever cooked a turkey.

They started talking about how their families are back home eating dinner together and how they do it every thanksgiving.

I could've got mad at them, because I kinda was.  I mean, they should just be greatful we have a roof over our head, food in our fridge, and great friends to be around.

But there was something about the looks on their faces that got to me.  So I caved and got in the shower. Not without a little fight of course.

They were going on about thanksgiving, food, and family....basically making it out to be a romantical holiday, you know one of those picture perfect things you see in the movies.

Me, feeling slightly irritated because I was woken up kinda rudely and because I envied their stories because my family didn't have that in a long time, I say before I close the bathroom door to go shower, " Thanksgiving is overrated.  It died when my Kookum died."  And as I closed the door I said,  "it's already starting to die for you two."

Upon thinking about it getting ready, I thought to myself, "Kinda harsh Tiar."  I thought about my first thanksgiving away and realized that it's a big step, being away from family on a holiday.

Meanwhile around the same time I was deep in thought the girls apparently said (I couldn't hear but they told me later),  "If she wants to be miserable, let her be.  We will go by ourselves."

I laughed about it at the store when they told me, because it's not that I was trying to rain on their parade, or that I was miserable, because I woke up today far from it....  but my pride wouldn't admit to them that I was envious because they still held the holiday near and dear to their hearts, though they probably sensed it.

Anyway, after much hassle of going last minute shopping for basically everything for a thanksgiving dinner, we came home to cook.

And boy was it the experience!  We all don't cook often but when we do cook, we are used to cooking for a family..or an army as we joked...so we made a lot more food than the 3 of us could eat.

But being able to spend an afternoon cooking and chatting with the girls made me realize that holidays should be spent with people we love.  I know it's cheesy, but I was glad they made me celebrate.

Like I said, I'm a thankful person, I give thanks all the time, I don't need a date to remind me what I'm thankful for.

But again, I am reminded why days like today exist.  It's to remember the little things, the things we sometimes forget about because we're too busy living life.

So today as we prayed together before we ate we all talked about what we were thankful for.

And today, I thanked them for making me do something even though I didn't want to.  I also thanked the Creator for my family, my friends, and the people I lost a long the way.

I thanked the Creator for everything that's happened in my life.  I focused more on this past year, and gave thanks for losing and then gaining my job back because it taught me some valuable lessons.

And above all I thanked the Creator for the many (hopefully) other days I have on earth and the valuable lessons I'm going to learn.

To everyone out there that I know, I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving, just like I did, because you all mean the world to me and I want you to have the best (corny, I know!).

And as I write this right now, I'm thankful for knowing, I'll have lots of food for the next couple of days! (and then I'll have my turkey fix until Christmas).











ps- By the looks of the pictures I think it's safe to say, not only did I enjoy it, but so did they.  And that's what makes me the happiest of all because they can still have their romantical holiday, only a little more different, but probably more special in the sense that they did it all on their own.

I know I feel like that this very moment =)

Friday, October 9, 2009

What's up with that?

It seems like yesterday it was summer.  And today it's snowing.  This leaves me to wonder...where did the fall go?  How come I didn't see any leaves fall off the trees?

It seems like the bulk of 2009 has been winter. It's already snowing out there!

Don't get me wrong here...  I like snow.

So what is it I'm trying to say?  We have some crazy weather!

Why though? Global warming? The earth regenerating itself? Or is it just because that's the way the cookie crumbles?

This was earlier today when I first realized it was snowing.  
Notice the tree with all it's leaves on it still in the background?  
They didn't even fall yet...and it's snowing!

I love how this looks with the noticeably 
green tree and grass still seeping through.

I love looking up into the sky as the snow falls!
This is the view outside my window. lol

And this was after a few hours of on and off snowing...

See what I mean about looking into the sky at snow.  
It`s peaceful and amazing don`t ya think...

=)  I want the layer to get thick enough and 
I`m going out there to make some snow angels (=


...And maybe even make a snowman tomorrow if the snow on my balcony gets even deeper.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wii-zee does it.

I've got this new addiction.  Actually it really isn't new.

This happens every time it's around me.

I try not to allow myself to be around it so much.  But lately, my roommate Bridget and my (sometimes) roommate Kim are both users, so it's constantly in my face.

Like right now as I sit and type this, I can see it at the corner of my eye and it's like a tractor beam.

Zoooooom, it's sucking me right in.

Normally I can control myself but I find myself fiening...

I'm going down,




There isn't only one source either....I have too stare at two, day after day.

And as I stare I have to feel what it's like in my hand, so of course I hold it.  It's almost as though it should always be there in between both my hands, with my fingers wrapped around it. Caressing it.

Makes perfect sense.


But feeding my addiction isn't the hardest thing I have to go through.  What's harder is deciding which poison it should be when I do cave in (which by the way is 9/10 when I look that sucker in the eye).

X Box 360? Ninetendo Wii? Guitar Hero? Wii Sports? Mortal Kombat? Mario Kart?

hahahaha.  Anyway...

Seeing as how most days I don't work, I have a lot of time on my hands.  So this is what I do with it.  I almost feel guilty.  Almost.

I'm pretty champ at guitar hero. I will tell you that much.

And I'm usually champ at Wii bowling or golf...except of course today, when I decided to take pictures.  Though, trying to take a picture of myself while feeding this addiction of mine and actually playing the game at the same time isn't easy.

The picture quality isn't the greatest either but I needed something interesting (or so I like to think anyway) for this blog.  I've neglected it for far too long.

Have at 'er...

I kid you not, I accidently threw that controller at my tv once 
(I guess that's why they say you should wear the wrist band with it
...which by the way I do now!).

Cuuuurrrvve Baaaall. 


Stttttrrrriiikkkeee. ooooh yah.

It's usually strikes and spares (as shown) but as you can see coming up....


... Well I just had to throw this one in to show off now :)

Still showing off.


Done the game and there's my lame ass score below...


Normally I can get 250-280 points, no lies.  But, I've yet to get a perfect score.  But when that day comes I better have my camera near by....

Anyone up for a challenge?

ps- I guess you could say I jacked the idea (kinda) from Brent.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

one-month-old Kaison

I had a little visitor today, so naturally I had to whip out my camera and take some pictures.  Mr. Kaison Crane (son of Kristen Crane [my friend Kim's little sister] ) just turned one-month and what a way to celebrate...by visiting me!

I wish I could've captured him smiling cause he does a lot of it for a small baby.  I had to put the camera away soon though because he got scared of it (lighting in my apartment is horrible so I needed to use flash...I know what you're thinking, not good for a baby!).

I did manage to get in 2 good pictures before the little guy started crying.  Enjoy!

(I know I enjoyed his company).