Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Vrooooommmm vroom

I can't believe I almost slept a full 24 hours. Wow. I wasn't lying in my last post when I said I was tired. I feel good now. Though, I kinda wish I wasn't traveling back up to the rez (and then to another one 4 hours away this weekend).

All I've done lately is travel the same three highways. #6 to easterville turn off, #60 to the pas turn off, and # 10 to where I grew up...and back again and so on and so on.

There really isn't much to see for 6 hours. Don't believe me? One of the trips I took back home, I jacked my momma's blackberry to take some pics. Now they aren't the greatest but you try taking pictures while traveling 150 kms down the highway...errrr.... I mean 100 kms if any cops are reading this. tehehe.

ps- I was pretty much with the parentals most of the trips, so most of my time was spent in the backseat.

Seriously, this is pretty much the scenery for 6 hours of driving.

This is just before the first turn off...off of a straight road for 3 hours!

Like I said earlier... it's all bush!

See the parentals in my shades?

I love to read when I have the time. Since I was in the car a lot, I got a lot done!

Hopefully after this last trek up north, my life can get back to normal in the city and back to the media gig once again.

It was good to be home though for a longer period of time other than a weekend. Before this, I can't remember the last time I spent a long period of time with the fam. It was muchly needed and appreciated. =)

...And it's all because my sister decided to tie the knot! (Which by the way, we are all so happy for her finding her one and only).

ps- she changed her last name on facebook this evening. Wow!

pps- Like I said in my last post, I really do want lots of nieces and nephews Janna and Rueben!